matrix from jpg in matlab

Saturday, July 31, 2010

       From tonight I will share what I've got everyday after studying matlab. I just want to share, I starting matlab about a years ago and myskripsi is using matlab so I try to studying matlab more. My skripsi is about handwritting recognition base on segmentation and chain code. But toningt I will share one of many topics in matlab.
      Mybe one of you have a little confused how to know what matrix in jpg file. now I will share how it work.

       I=imread('tes.jpg')        % code for reading jpg file
       bw=im2bw(I)               %code for convert the rgb jpg to grayscale
      with that code you can see the matrix from jpg file. I wish it can help even just a little. when you using im2bw matrix just about 0-1. Other code you can use too are :

  • gray2ind    :  created an indexed image from a grayscale intensity image.
  • grayslice    :  created an indexed image from a grayscale intensity image by thresholding.
  • im2double :  created the intensity image to double precision, rescaling the data if necessary.
keep studying,,and i always share what I've got.

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