The Losers
Sunday, May 09, 2010 the losers based from vertigo's publisher comic's written by Andy Diggle. the losers set is a war againts terorists. Telling about a special agent C.I.A, one day the losers have been betrayed by max and left for death because the operation the they want to revange and clean their name from C.I.A list of death, The losers re-united for secret operation to fight C.I.A.
The losers are colonel franklin clay (jefferey dean morgan) the great leader and initiator , roque (idris Elba) is clay assistant, jensen (chris evans) is a hackers, cougar (Oscar Jaenada) is a sharpsooter. The other cast are aisha (zoe saldana) , max ( Jason Patrick) and wade (Holt McCallany).
plot starting when the losers have an ordered to find a champ for shooting target, but after they seen many children there they try to safe them. Even C.I.A still make the camp a shooting target they still trying and they did it, after that all of them get into the helicopter sadly the helicopter blow up.
I'm a typicall unlike an action movie, but for this I got an exception. because there not only fighting, love, friendship, loyalty but funny too.
I love chris evans, his really cute and entertaining.hehe....
bibliograpy :, wikipedia