My salad

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I have been diet 2 days try to avoid eating rice,like eating rice is a taboo *hehe* success so far.usually I eat something like saute cabbage and soup. Because I ordered catering, so for mydiet menu I cooked by myself. That give me another advantage.

This night I try something new,I learn to eat salad. basicly I like salad,but fruit salad but for tonight  made vagetable salad.and now I want to share my first salad recipe.

mayonnese,chili sous.
bean,lettuce, sweet corn
chicken slices,egg

  1. mix mayonise and chili sous as you needed.
  2. slice the vagetables and put on a bowl.because I like salad when is cold, I put into freezer for awhile
  3. put the chiken slices and boiled egg slice above the vagetables.
  4. lastest, pouring the sous.

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